
Bone Daddies


News, What's On

kanji red
For July we are reducing food waste. The more waste we reduce, the better the world we live in.

Egg mayonnaise, or tamago sando, is a classic sandwich in Japan and is regularly found in convenience stores across the country. Made unique by the inclusion of Japanese mayo(the most famous being kewpie) which has a far richer taste as it contains more egg yolk than the stuff we get over here.

For this special, not only are we keeping it simple, but we’re reducing food waste in all of our restaurants by using the broken eggs that don’t make it to be a ramen topping. The more food waste we reduce, the better the world we live in.

It may be simple but it is jam packed with bold flavours. The rich mayo and the bite of the spring onion really take our soy eggs to the next level, far from the egg and cress you get in your meal deal (although there’s a time and a place for one of those too).


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